Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Day Seven - 08/25/09

Well, its been exactly a week since my mother left me alone to fend for myself. I can't believe I'm already a week into my education here. Pretty soon I'll be graduating, and real life will commence. But until then, I'm planning to squeeze every last pasty bit of experience out of this place.

The morning started with an eleven o'clock attendance of my least favorite course...Intro to Buddhist Literature. I'm trying to switch out of this course but if you don't attend the first day of class they sometimes give away your spot, which would be even worse than having to actually take the course. I looked up my professor, Dr. Meeks, on and every review said that it was a boring class and that she was an ok teacher but that she was super hot and that made the class worth sitting through. Through the experience of sitting through one course, I agree with all of those statements.

Next I went down a floor to the class I'm trying to switch into, Mind & Self:Modern Conceptions. Much more interesting course in my opinion. We got started right off the bat talking about Descartes (which apparently NOT pronounced dez-cart-ez) and his perceptions of mind and body being absolutely separate entities. His proof and evidence for this argument was that he could understand his own mind to be separate from his body and therefore it could exist separate from his body. I raised my hand and, because I'm an idiot, said with absolute certainty that the mind dies with the body. Of course this can't be proven so the entire class of non-ignorant baffoons laughed at me. I'm over it though.

The dilemma with switching classes is that my schedule only has one relatively good spot for the coordinating discussion course that goes with the class. This discussion course is full and I need to try and squeeze and wiggle my way in there using my charm and wicked good looks. I talked to Brian, the one teaching the course, and he said he would get back to me. Not looking good.

Off then to Spanish. This was expected to be my least favorite class, being that it was my worst class in high school all four years. However, my professor is the coolest teacher I've met. She is exactly like my old "Professora" except even more fun. She's short and cute and does karate.

I came back to my dorm room and watched TV for an hour or two. I'm so happy Brett bought it. Its so nice having it here. Anyway, Casper tomorrow. That'll be interesting. Talk to you then.

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