Saturday, August 22, 2009

Day One - 08/19/09

So mom left me at the bottom of USC's Marks Tower with all the things I had bought at Target and that was it. I said goodbye and as soon as she drove away it had officially begun. The dream that had been brewing for years and coalescing since last fall was finally solid, real, and true. It was 9 city blocks of pure, solid brick, reality. I went upstairs to move in the rest of my things and met my roommate Brett's family. Brett is nice enough but not as social as I am. We have different groups of friends and don't talk or hang out that much. This is honestly really disappointing and its neither of our faults. We're fairly different people. He's a Mechanical Engineering major from the Boston area. I'm a Film Production major from Washington state. We're not going to have the same interests. We don't fight but we aren't really friends. I see other people bonding with their roommates and truly envy them. I wish I had a partner to go through this with, but I guess I'm on my own. Went to a friend's suite on Parkside (Southside) and met a bunch of people. Came home around three after talking with Akshay from India and Joseph from New York about USC and our dreams and how amazing this place is. Sneaked into my room with Brett dead asleep. That's the other thing...he is on a way different sleep schedule. He goes to bed way before me and I always feel like I'm a burden. I don't know if I woke him up. Go to bed with the sounds of LAPD sirens lulling me to sleep. Immediately I am asleep.

1 comment:

  1. did you say thank you to your mother for dropping you off? You've only just met Brett - I bet your relationship changes as time passes - sometimes the people who are fast friends don't stay that way and the ones that are slow to develop last a long time - thank you for sharing your experience -
