Friday, September 11, 2009


One thing you have to understand about USC is its a love hate relationship. I think most people end up having that with their college, at least freshman year. I can't imagine having it entirely one way for the other.

There will be days when I think about where I could be: back home with my friends and family. At Occidental with Kirsten. Anywhere with Kirsten. At UW with everyone I've ever known. And I blame this place for keeping me from that. I get angry and jealous and scared. And I forget what an honor and pleasure it is to be here. I start thinking about the things that aren't perfect. Like my roommate. Or my floormates. Or my friends. Or the food. Or my classes. I get upset that things aren't the way they're supposed to be, what I'd like them to be. I start thinking how much I hate it here and why aren't I back home safe and happy again?

And then there will be days like today when my floor decided to go have a friendly soccer match. Most of the people on the floor have been playing for a while. Or if they haven't they at least go the gym. Or if they don't go to the gym they're at least athletic. Or they at least look athletic. Anyway they don't look like me is what I'm trying to say. We go over to the big stadium field to play a game and at one point I just looked around at all the architecture and gorgeous trees and buildings and I said out loud "I love this school." I couldn't help it. It just made me happy to think I was in one of the most prestigious schools in the world, in one of the most relevant cities in the world, studying what I love the most in the world.

Its so exciting telling people I'm a film production major. I assume its nothing like telling someone you're a biology or a mathematics or a business major. That is unless the person you're telling is someone who absolutely LOVES biology or math or business. Everyone loves movies. And I'm here to study how to make them. That's why I'm here. Its not to do work. Its not to write papers that don't matter. Its to study what I love to do the most. Its to have fun doing what I love to do most. At the very very best school for it.

Thats the other thing, is knowing that you are in the very best school for what you're studying. With most people, there is always somewhere better they could be. If you're business its UPenn. If its pottery its UW. But if its Film, its USC. And it doesn't really matter what the lists say about NYU because thats a completely different kind of film making they're doing over there in New York. And its not what I want to be a part of. I'm in Harvard Law. No, better than Harvard Law. They say that the USC Film School is the hardest program to get into at any institution anywhere.

I remember growing up and always wanting to be special. I would always qualify myself in any area where someone was better than me. When Seungjun and Seungsoo and Tim were in higher math than me, I would say to myself, "Well I'm taller. And I have more friends." And when Hayden was the star of the football team I would say, "Well I'm smarter." Just because I had to make myself feel better about why I wasn't the best. About why I wasn't special. But now, I'm in the exact perfect position. I'm studying what I love, at the best place to do it. I don't know how many people can say that in this country, or in the world. The other 49 kids in my program for sure. But how many after that? I'm the luckiest 18 year old I can imagine. Where will I go from here?

1 comment:

  1. Nice piece. Stick with that feeling, buddy boy. Everyday. It's the cliche of "Attitude of Gratitude", but the cliche works because it sets us up to see the possiblities and opportunities. And then when the options appear, even if it is just a crack in a slightly open door, we recognize it immediately, push the door open and step through to the other side. And, the process starts all over. Isn't it grand?
